Welcome to Webbcraft!

This is the site of the Australian-run small local Minecraft server.
It has nothing to do with the (no-doubt lovely) brits over at http://webbcraft.co.uk/, does not offer any Handmade Wooden and Pure Wool toys, and is not an incorporated boat manufaturer in the U.S. state of Oklahoma. But if you've come to this page it's likely that you know the admin and want to hang out on their server - in which case please go ahead and point your Minecraft client to webbcraft.net.au, and hopefully see you around online soon.

Current Server

The server is currently offline, between worlds and a server upgrade.

Go check out the server map to see who's online and what people have been up to.

Previous Worlds

There has been a lot of previous fun and construction in various iterations of Webbcraft. To preserve some of these I have rendered some worlds out with the awesome BlueMap plugin/tool.

Click here to view the maps of old worlds (in 3D!)